Site I
Site I
Path #3
Path #3
Path 7
Path 7
Path Remnant
Path Remnant
Path 6
Path 6
Path 4
Path 4
Path 6 - Extruded Circle
Path 6 - Extruded Circle
The Bicycle Tower
The Bicycle Tower
The Bicycle Carousel
The Bicycle Carousel
Tires and Spokes
Tires and Spokes
Like Water
Like Water
Unchain Me
Unchain Me
Machine Abstraction
Machine Abstraction
Site I
Site IAn exploration of interior and exterior space by generating a structure based on an explored path
Path #3
Path #3Path #3. steel. 2017. 95" x 48" x 6"Commissioned by Norman Arts Council for exhibition at Lions Park, Norman, OK.
Path 7
Path 7
ReconstructedA piece that involves the action of dismantling a previous construction and re-assembling it to create a new work.
Path Remnant
Path Remnant
Path 6
Path 6
SnapAn exploration in developing a visual language based on experience.Steel, wood, screws, nails, electrical tape. 2017.56" x 65" x 18"
Path 4
Path 4What if modernism could listen?What if modernism would listen?What if modernism listened?What would it hear? Cement, Steel, 3D printed PLA. 2017.48" x 64" 36"
Path 6 - Extruded Circle
Path 6 - Extruded CircleTaking the physical form of a path and extruding it in a circular pattern.3D printed PLA, Plaster. 2017.29" x 24" 3"
The Bicycle Tower
The Bicycle TowerWelded bicycle frames, painted. 2015.Commissioned by Art on the Beltline Atlanta. Atlanta, GA.Also displayed at Art on the Streets, Colorado Springs, CO.120" x 52" x 52"
The Bicycle Carousel
The Bicycle CarouselSteel, bicycles, ceramic ball bearing, wood. 2015.In collaboration with artist, Jarod Charzewski.Initial funding provided by College of Charleston URCA, MAYS GrantNorth Charleston International Sculpture Exhibition 2015-2016. Honorable Mention.15' x 10' x 10'
Tires and Spokes
Tires and SpokesSteel, bicycle parts. 2015. In collaboration with artist, Jarod Charzewski.Initial funding provided by College of Charleston URCA, MAYS GrantArt on the Streets, Colorado Springs, CO.Permanent Collection of Northglenn Colorado Art on Parade32" x 40" x 29"
Re-CycledSteel, bicycle chain rings. 2015.56" x 48" x 48'In collaboration with artist, Jarod Charzewski.Initial funding provided by College of Charleston URCA, MAYS GrantNew Port Beach Civic Center Park exhibition 2015-2017. Edition #2 - Ocala Outdoor Sculpture Competition 2016-2017
Like Water
Like WaterLike Water. Steel. 2014.48" x 36" x 6"
Unchain Me
Unchain MeUnchain Me. Bronze, found objects. 2014.20" x 30" x 14"
Machine Abstraction
Machine AbstractionMachine Abstraction. Found objects, stone, poured aluminum. 2014.12" x 18" x 15"
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